Tuesday 18 September 2012

Exercise 9

Visual culture

we live in a world where visual plays a very important role in the user experience, visual stimulation is one of the most important elements when selling a product or experience

The global village

The global village is the society that has been created on a global scale. This has been possible due to things like the Internet. Communication on a global scale has become easier due to advances in technology.


When it comes to postmodernism culture people like hippies are the perfect example of postmodern view. The disregard for authority and what's normally considered as culture. Examples of this are in crisis of authority, Nihilism, Pluralism and hedonism.

Culture Industry

this is when industries are based around cultures, for example the hip hop industry has fueled the industry of certain ways of dressing and the lifestyle some have chosen.

Virtual Reality

Our interaction with technology as humans has become so much we have begun to merge with technology. An example of this is with video games they have begun to make the experience so real that an individual has begun to feel like they are part of the game.

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