Saturday, 23 June 2012

Bruce Mau Manifesto


Bruce Mau published this manifesto in 1998, it described his design process.

Below is my reaction to the manifesto.

1. Allow events to change you. As a designer when you are surrounded by a certain atmosphere you should be able to make your design to be in sync with that environment. An example of this is when a designer creates a design to work with the client.

2. Forget about good. When looking at the standards of what people view as good design this tends to stun the growth of the designer because it tends to stop and individual from experimenting.

3. Process is more importent than outcome. When it comes to designing something the process that went behind the design has more value than the outcome.

4. Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child).

No matter how bad a piece of work is view it as a stepping stone on the road to success

5. Go deep.

When researching don't just skim the surface pierce the skin who knows what you might find

6. Captures accidents.

When looking for answers sometimes the wrong answer can turn out to be the right one in future

7. Drift.

Daydreaming isn't always a bad thing some of the best ideas come when you don't expect it

8. Begin anywhere.

When you don't know where to start, start with the first thing that comes to mind you never know what ideas can spring from a blank page.

9. Everyone is a leader.

Humble yourself anyone can lead you to success

14. Ask stupid questions.

Never view any question as stupid silence isn't the best solution

15. Collaborate.

Sometimes two is better than one

16. ____________________.

Your mind should always have space to grow anything can give you ideas.

19. Be careful to take risks.

What you do today defines your work tomorrow

20. Repeat yourself.

A repetitive process can be the solution to your problem

21. Stand on someone’s shoulders.

Learn from those who were around before you. Get inspiration from other peoples work

22. Avoid software.

Programs in our day have a way of making anyone seem like they can design. Avoid using pre made effects. Paper is your best friend

23. Don’t clean your desk.

Untidiness can lead to finding new ideas

24. Don’t enter awards competitions.

Competitions can have a negative impact on an individual

26. Make new words.

Push your creativity don't limit it to visual art.

27. Think with your mind.

Don't depend on the Internet too much

30. Listen carefully.

Everyone has their own past experiences and those experiences can always increase your horizons

31. Take field trips.

Changing your scenery helps broaden your mind

35. Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it.

Play around with your ideas they might take a different shape

39. Laugh.

Laughter in a working environment helps get the juices flowing


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